SRF Series is a special blended surfactant formulation designed to enhance stimulation/fracturing efficiency of shale oil and carbonate formations. The SRF Series contains a solvent and surfactant package that improves the environmental profile. It increases the recovery of aqueous-based stimulation fluids and also accelerates the extraction of the oil in place by interaction with the hydrocarbons and the reservoir surfaces. Addition at low concentrations of SRF Series (typically, 1 - 5 gallons per thousand gallons, gpt) in stimulation/fracturing fluids can quickly alter the surface wetting behavior from oil-wet to more water-wet, thereby to improve hydrocarbon recovery. SRF Series is especially formulated to have no-emulsion tendency with crude oils, even when added in relatively high concentrations (> 5 gpt) in fracturing fluids. SRF can work effectively both in low-porosity (< 5%), low-permeability (<0.1% mD) shale (e.g., Bakken Shale) and in carbonate (~ 5% mD) (e.g. West Texas) formations.
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